Is There Any CONS to INVISALIGN treatment?

Is There Any CONS to INVISALIGN treatment?
lady wearing invisalign clear aligner
Reading Time: 3 mins

Invisalign treatment has significantly grown in popularity over the past decade. The amount of applause it has received demonstrates how far modern orthodontics has come, with the treatment offering “invisible” means of teeth straightening to produce that confident smile. 

We all know about the PROS associated with invisalign treatment, the most obvious being “invisible”. But what about the CONS to Invisalign treatment? 

This article focuses on the less desirable side of invisalign, and aims to give potential patients a better overview of what to expect with invisalign.


Slight Discomfort

As with all forms of orthodontic treatment, you will experience some level of discomfort when starting treatment and Invisalign is no different. When first placing the aligners in the mouth, you will feel a bit strange and it can take up to a week to get used to them. The “attachments” (the composite bumps that we place on the teeth to allow a better grip for the aligner) may irritate the lip and cheek initially when the aligners are out of the mouth. However, this irritation will become less noticeable with time and disappears when the aligners are being worn. 

Speech Problems

During the first few days of wearing the aligners, you may experience lisp during speech. This will improve as your mouth gets accustomed to the aligners. It is recommended that you continue to speak as much as possible with the aligners fitted. This way, the tongue can get used to the aligners and your speech patterns will adjust accordingly.

Bad Breath

Your chance of having bad breath can increase if you don’t look after your aligners properly. This is because aligners prevent saliva penetrating in the mouth. Thus, it is important to remove the aligners when you eat, or drink anything other than cold water, and rinse your mouth prior to placing the aligners back in. This ensures that food debris does not get trapped between the aligners and teeth, and prevents bacteria buildup in the aligner and on the teeth, causing bad smell. 

Biting Point

During treatment, your teeth will move and your bite can change. As a result, you can bite the inside of the cheek when you are not used to the new biting position. This will improve as the teeth adapt to the new biting position.

are there any cons to invisalign treatment?

It is important to note that the above cons to Invisalign treatment are all temporary effects, and will improve as you get used to the aligners. Good compliance will mean that the mouth will adapt to aligners faster and the aligners will become more comfortable to wear, alongside a whole host of other benefits.

Are you seeking the best solution to straighten your smile such as Invisalign or traditional braces? Why not get in touch with our experienced team at Marvel Orthodontics who will gladly assist you to transform your smile? Contact us here and get in touch with us now!

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